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Contemporary Issue #1: GM food(s) pros and cons

Seen this before?

Nope, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you, neither is it a masterpiece from photoshopping. This, is the after result of a genetically modified strawberry.

Genetic modification of food was introduced less than a decade ago on the basis of promoting better crop yields, especially in the less developed areas. However, since then, may issues have arised against the idea of it, for fear that it might cause unknown health risks. Rejecting the idea of consuming food from “dubious origins”, people began avoiding the purchase of GM foods. But you’ll be surprised to know that not all GM foods appear to have gone through genetic modification. Take for instance this:

For all you might know, this could be the delicious barbecued corn that you’ve eaten a week ago. So deliberately avoiding and checking the food labels will not do any difference because even so, some food companies- blinded and driven by profit motives, avoid stating that their product went to genetic modification.

Yes, there is still no detailed study about the long term effects of eating genetically modified foods, but if the excuse is that GM foods are going to cause health problems, how about the long list of of fast food restaurants right under your noses, e.g MacDonald? Hasn’t it been proven to cause even grater health risks? Isn’t there statistical evidence to prove that it constituted to America’s booming health problems and obesity rates? Anyhow, back to the topic, these are some advantages of GM foods that I have found on the net:

  • GM food Saves the use of toxic chemicals. GM crops can be made resistant to pests, so pesticides do not need to be sprayed on them. This is also better on the environment!
  • Prevents wasted crops. If pests cannot eat the crops, nothing goes to waste. Therefore, farmers make more money!
  • It could potentially solve hunger. Many people agree that there is not enough food in the world to feed everybody. As genetically modified foods increase the yields of crops, more food is produced by farmers. Of course, others argue that there is enough food to feed everyone, but it is unequally distributed. Others argue the GM crops do not produce higher yields.
  • We can begin to grow foods in different conditions. For instance, strawberries can be genetically engineered to grow in frosts. Other foods that grow in cold climates could be engineered to grow in hot climates (such as Africa where much of the continent does not have enough food).
  • Some foods can be genetically modifies to contain higher amounts of important vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A deficiencies cause blindness. In Africa, 500,000 go blind each year. If rice can be modified to contain more vitamin A, the amount of people going blind will decrease.
  • As more research is done the technology is bound to improve. Scientists are already considering genetic modification to make fish, nuts and plants grow faster.



In my opinion, instead of going against it, why not embrace the new technology that science has bestowed us with?

(Putting aside first that controversies that GM food is going take a toll on the less developed countries’ economy), i


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